of our volunteers come back year after year. Here are some of our
"old timers."

Chase, shown here with a security guard, is our "Earth Mother."
She coordinated the San Diego Earth Day Coalition in 1990 that
resulted in the first EarthFair and got this whole thing off the
ground. She is currently a Board Member and Executive Director
of EarthWorks, as well as the editor of the San
Diego Earth Times.

Klein, right, shown here with volunteer Keith, was the chief designer
of the EarthFair in 1990, creating the physical layout, volunteer
training and management structure, and logistic plan. He still
serves as Production Manager. Chris is publisher of the San
Diego Earth Times and a website designer.

in the middle, has taken on a number of jobs over the years, and is currently a senor manager at EarthFair.When not helping at
EarthFair, J is a software engineer.

four years, Kim was responsible for Transportation -- probably
the most demanding job at the EarthFair. Kim works as an engineer
for the City of San Diego.

shown here with his daughter and granddaughter,
was for many years a superb Communications Coordinator.
Steve is a financial analyst with the US Postal Service

Tighe, left, has served as Chris' key assistant and manager every year. Mark is a master carpenter.

and Julaine were two long-time players. John managed the Food Area for most of his 9 years, probably the toughest
area to manage. Julaine is a past SDEW Board Member, and helped pioneer
our Community Restoration and Renewal Project. John is a software
engineer and Julaine a full-time parent.

then there's Keith. He's been with SDEW since Day 1. We're not
exactly sure what he does at the Fair, but he seems to be indispensable.
Keith is a software engineer and educator.
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