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The EarthFair offers solutions to environmental problems, too.

Livestock production and processing generates a terrific load on the environment. Consuming less meat means less pollution. Try some of the delicious vegetarian fare at our Food Court.

Plant an organic garden... good for you and the Earth.

Take personal action. Write a promise on a BeLeaf and hang it on one of our HumaniTrees, in the Plaza de Panama and in the Children's Area.

Take political action. Sign a petition, or write a letter to our elected representatives.

Avoid toxins at home. Use safe, biodegradable cleaners, and patronize companies that look out for the Earth as well as your stuff.

Do a little something for the environment every day, and first thing you know, Mom will be up and walking around again in no time.


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 email: info15earthdayweb.org     Phone: (858) 272-7370
PO Box 9827 • San Diego, CA 92169
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