EarthFair in Balboa Park:
the largest FREE annual environmental fair
and Earth Day celebration in the world
Featuring the Cannabis Row Exhibit Area,
Sun Stage and Beer Garden
EarthFair 2022 will be our 31st annual event – the 53th anniversary of the first Earth Day! Each year, the EarthFair draws around 50,000 visitors. For the fourth year, EarthFair will be hosting an area dedicated to cannabis-related businesses and non-profits.
EarthFair could not be sustained without the generous financial support of our sponsors. EarthFair attendance is free, and the fees paid by exhibitors cover only part of the cost of producing the event.
This year, we are providing several sponsorships that focus on the Cannabis Row area at EarthFair. These are offered in addition to our standard sponsorships.
We provide sponsor acknowledgement at EarthFair, and in pre-event promotions, through the placement of sponsor’s logo and/or name impressions on a variety of print media, banners, and signs.
The following sections describe the Cannabis Row sponsorships offered. A key at the bottom of each section indicates the sponsorship levels that will receive recognition in that promotion. Our standard sponsorship package levels are:
$5,000 Beer Garden Exhibitor Sponsorship |
Beer |
$7,500 Silver Exhibitor Sponsorship |
Silver |
$10,000 Gold Exhibitor Sponsorship |
Gold |
$20,000 Platinum Exhibitor Sponsorship |
Platinum |
$35,000 Presenting Exhibitor Sponsorship |
Presents |
Check out the benefits provided for each sponsorship, listed below. When you have deecided which sponsorship fills your needs:
Click here for instructions
on how to use our registration system
to fill out a sponsorship form.
Or, call the office at (858) 272-7370;
or email Carolyn Chase at
Don't see what you need? We can also craft Special Packages to meet your goals.
Sponsorships Levels
All Cannabis Row Exhibitor Sponsorships will receive:
Additional benefits for each sponsorship type are as follows:
$5,000 Beer Garden Exhibitor Sponsorship
$7,500 Cannabis Row Exhibitor Silver Sponsorship
$10,000 Cannabis Row Exhibitor Gold Sponsorship
$20,000 Cannabis Row Exhibitor Platinum Sponsorship
$35,000 Cannabis Row Exhibitor Presenting Sponsorship
Cannabis Row Sponsorship Benefits
Exhibit Space at Cannabis Row

The best way to present your business or organization’s cause, product or service to the thousands of EarthFair visitors is to have a great exhibit.
- Beer sponsors receive a 10' x 10' exhibit space in the Beer Garden.
- Other sponsors receive between two and four 10' x 10' exhibit booths in Cannbis Row that may be arranged as desired (e.g., 3 spaces could be one 10' x 10' booth and one 10' x 20' booth).
- Exhibitor sponsors may choose their exhibit site at no additional cost.
We will provide the canopies, tables, chairs for your exhibit. Or, we can accommodate your own custom exhibit plans and materials.
Note that Cannabis Row is a large area. Sponsors my find it worthwhile to split their exhibits in two locations to ensure have contact with a larger number of attendees.
Beer |
Silver |
Gold |
Platinum |
Presents |
EarthWorks Website
This website,, is a major resource for EarthFair visitors. In January through April, 2019, the website received 54,083 visits and 98,951 page views.
All Cannabis Row sponsors are acknowledged on three web pages when they sign up: on the home page navigation sidebar, on the EarthFair Information page, and on the Sponsorship page. Logo size and placement are appropriate to the sponsorship level.
The sponsor logo/name is linked to the sponsor website for easy click-through access. The links on the EarthFair and Sponsorship pages will remain for nine months following EarthFair.
Sponsors exhibits are also included on the Exhibitor Finder, a special feature that allows visitors to check their personal interests and see the exhibit descripition, web link and exhibit location of exhibitors that address those interests. Click here to try it out.
Beer |
Silver |
Gold |
Platinum |
Presents |
Information Kiosks
Five Information Kiosks are strategically placed along the major thoroughfares at EarthFair. They provide visitors with a map of the fairgrounds, a schedule of events and stage performances, and a list of exhibitors. A large area dedicated to sponsor logos and acknowledgments will provide some of your best visibility at the event.
Sponsors are acknowledged with the logo size and placement appropriate to their sponsorship level.
Silver |
Gold |
Platinum |
Presents |
Volunteer T-shirts
EarthFair is produced by more than 300 volunteers. Each volunteer is given a t-shirt that they wear at EarthFair and afterward throughout the year. The t-shirt features a colorful Earth Day logo on the front and sponsor/partner acknowledgements on the back. Everyone who sees them will know that you played a part in making EarthFair happen.
Platinum and Presenting sponsors are acknowledged on the t-shirt back, with the logo size and placement appropriate to the sponsorship level.
The Mural Wall
For the past 4 events, EarthFair has presented a 200-foot long display wall, consisting of 25 4' x 8' panels. Virtually all visitors passing between the north and south halves of EarthFair pass by the Mural Wall, and it has become a popular feature.
Various Mural Wall panels feature: new and historical Earth Day artwork; photos of EarthFair volunteers and exhibitors; artists creating new, "live" artwork on-site; environmental artwork and cartoons that visitors can fill in with colored markers.
One of the panels in the Mural Wall displays the logos of EarthFair sponsors. Three additional murals with the logos are placed at the major pedestrian entrances to EarthFair: at the Cabrillo Bridge on the west, at Park Blvd. and Presidents Way on the southeast, and at Village Place on the northeast.
Platinum and Presenting sponsors will have their logo displayed on the Mural panel. In addition, the Presenting sponsor will have their logo on the three entrance murals.
Sun Stage
The Sun Stage, south of the Federal Bldg./ComiCon, next to the EarthFair Beer Garden, features contemporary rock and jazz plus cannabis/hemp and other "green"-oriented presentations.
Sponsors at the gold level and above will receive:
- Live acknowledgments from the stage, between presentations.
- On the stage banner with their name or logo.
- On stage schedule signs, adjacent to the stage.
- On our website, with live links to the sponsor's website.
Platinum and Presenting Sponsors will be have a presentation scheduled on the Sun Stage: 5 minutes for Platinum sponsors and 10 minutes for Presenting sponsors.
In addition the Presenting Sponsor will be able to schedule time to make a "green " presentation.
Beer Garden at the Sun Stage
The Beer Garden is next to the Sun Stage, south of the Federal Bldg./ComiCon. It serves a variety of local brews along with mead and kombucha.
$5,000 Sun Stage Beer Garden sponsors will be recognized:
- On banners showing their name or logo, displayed on the outside of the beer garden fencing.
- Two posters with their name or logo displayed inside the beer garden fencing. If appropriate, we can use the sponsors existing artwork.
- On sponsor signage, adjacent to the Sun Stage stage.
- On our website, with live links to the sponsor's website.
Special Promotions
The sponsorship programs shown above meet the requirements of about 90% of our sponsors. However, you may have a project or promotion that requires special arrangements. An example is the above photo of the Clean Fuel Coalition exhibit from 2003 that required a pavilion for 15 separate vendors, plus a turntable for an electric vehicle being given away at the fair. No problem.
Please contact EarthWorks to discuss your special requirements. We will craft a sponsorship package that meets your needs, and your budget.
For instructions
on how to use our registration system
to fill out a sponsorship form:
Call the office at (858) 272-7370;
or email Carolyn Chase at
San Diego EarthWorks
PO Box 9827 / San Diego CA 92169 |